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ARFAN KHAN LEADS IMPORTANT APPEAL CONCERNING WHETHER A BANKRUPTCY ORDER IS A NULLITY Arfan Khan led Mr. Wojciech Nicholas Andrew Zalewski in an appeal, instructed by Ardens Solicitors. The appeal was heard by Mr. Justice Zacaroli, who considered whether a bankruptcy order was...more

HIGH COURT REVERSES TRIAL JUDGE’S DECISION TO REFUSE ADJOURNMENT ON COVID GROUNDS Arfan Khan appeared successfully in a High Court appeal, which reversed the trial judge’s decision to refuse adjournment of the trial where the Appellant was suffering from Covid symptoms. ...more

HIGH COURT (CHANCERY DIVISION) JUDGE ORDERS AN ACCOUNT OF MILLIONS Mr. Eason Rajah QC, sitting as a judge of the Chancery Division, delivered a judgment in a historic case involving millions taken out of South Africa during the Apartheid. Based on the Claimants' pleaded case, th...more

Arfan Khan led Mr Joseph Howard in the Court of Appeal on a first time tax appeal of general public importance. The Appellant is an Italian company. It provides containers and logistics services across Europe. The Appellant arranged the transport of goods for a customer, a Rom...more

Court of Appeal - Second appeal Fowler v Secretary of State for Work & Pensions (2019) EWCA (Court of Appeal) This was a second appeal to the Court of Appeal against a decision of the Upper Tribunal. The appeal raised an important point of law regarding the nature and scop...more

Phonographic Performance Ltd v Ambibola Balgun t/a Mama Africa [2018] EWHC 1327 (Ch) Copyright infringement - Summary Judgment set aside test The Claimant claimed that the Defendant had played sound recordings, which infringed copyright in relation to two songs, contrary to s.1...more

Diana Loson appeals Court of Appeal judgment to the United Kingdom Supreme Court Loson v Brett Stack & Anor [2018] EWCA Civ 803; Times, April 26, 2018   On 26/8/2016, the Court of Appeal granted Mrs Diana Loson permission to appeal on a second appeal. On 17/4/2018, th...more

Insolvency – Bankruptcy- defrayment of judgment debt – nature of legal test – second appeal - stay of execution Arfan Khan successfully represented the appellant after taking over the case on appeal in the Court of Appeal. The appellant applied to vary a judgment debt t...more

Bank’s High Court claim for £9.5 plus interest settles out of Court Contract of guarantee – limitation periods – demands Arfan Khan successfully defended complex claims in the High Court Chancery Division. The claims were pursued by a bank against the Defendants for £9....more

Default judgment -  Practice and Procedure The Court of Appeal grants permission to appeal in a case of general public importance involving the practice and procedure surrounding default judgments. The Claimant issued a claim against the Defendant for unpaid monies following t...more

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